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Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

The recent failures of the high profile corporates has led to increasing prescriptions from the regulators. The corporates themselves have started to revisit their governance structure, disclosure practices and risk management practices.

With the global entrants establishing their footprint in India and the Indian companies establishing their footprint outside India, corporate governance has been brought to the fore.

MCR is committed to serving investors and building confidence in independent audit process. Be it Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement or the Sarbanes Oxley 302 or 404 programs, many companies still have significant opportunities to reduce costs while maintaining or improving quality. Our reliable audit process increases the investor confidence and assists the CFOs in performing their attest functions.

We help our clients conduct high level risk assessment reviews, evaluate on a timely basis, report and monitor key business risks. We also develop a control evaluation reporting framework for our clients and assist their CFOs and CEOs in certification process.