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Financial Reporting

Financial Reporting

The “true and fair” view of a company’s financial performance and position underpins the trust between those who manage a company and those who own it or otherwise need a clear view.

Given the critically important role, MCR has always delivered in enhancing the trust between the stakeholders and the management of the companies. Our rigorous audit processes invariably identify areas of improvement, thereby adding value to the company and enhancing the quality of business processes. Our clients have greatly benefited by availing the services of our IFRS experts.

We strive to provide you a high quality independent opinion on your financial statements in terms of compliance with the applicable Accounting Standards and other relevant statutes. The quality of our delivery is vouched for by our peer reviewers. Our documentation standards set an example for our peers in the industry.

Innovation, being at the heart of MCR, is another key feature in setting our work standards. Our innovative approach to the audit ensures that we also provide valuable inputs in strengthening the identified areas of weaknesses and advising on the same. We embrace the role of ensuring efficiency in your operations and not restrict ourselves to the numbers.